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“electromagnetic oscillograph”
electromagnetic oscillograph
1. An oscillograph that records signal waveforms by means of a moving-coil galvanometer or it is also known as a device for recording the wave-forms of changing currents, voltages, or any other quantity that can be translated into electric energy; such as, sound waves.
2. An oscillograph in which the recording mechanism is controlled by a moving-coil galvanometer; such as, a direct-writing recorder or a light-beam oscillograph (device for making a record of the wave forms of fluctuating voltages or currents).
2. An oscillograph in which the recording mechanism is controlled by a moving-coil galvanometer; such as, a direct-writing recorder or a light-beam oscillograph (device for making a record of the wave forms of fluctuating voltages or currents).
This entry is located in the following units:
electro-, electr-, electri-
(page 40)
grapho-, graph-, -graph, -graphy, -grapher, -graphia
(page 29)